Advice for walkers

Railrambles Cymru provide programmes of walks on this website, being main walks on the Saturday Programme and recce walks on the Midweek Programme.
All walks are shown as starting from Shrewsbury rail station, meeting on the platform displayed for that destination. Walkers may join the train at any station along the rail route or meet at our destination. Advice on train times and costs can be obtained from the Transport for Wales or National Rail links on the Useful Links section opposite.
It is advisable that any new walkers, those who have not walked with us before, contact us via the email address shown in the Contact Us section below the Useful Links opposite. This will enable us to give more details of that walk, look out for you on the day, meet and greet you, introducing you to the walk leaders and other walkers.

We have used information from the Ramblers UK website to offer advice to walkers.

Grades of walks. (these grades are for guidance only and participants should be aware of their own capabilities.) If you are unsure, ask the leader at the start of the walk.

  • EASY – Generally flat walks on well surfaced paths/tracks/lanes with very few stiles
  • MODERATE – Walks with some gentle climbs/descents on distinct paths with several stiles
  • ENERGETIC – Walks with one steep ascent and descent and possibly a short section of rough/indistinct path
  • STRENUOUS – Walks with several steep climbs and descents partly on rough boggy ground with stream crossings without bridges

If you have not walked previously or for several years please start with easier, shorter walks and build up to longer, more strenuous walks.

  1. Important Information (please read)
  2. Where can you walk.
  3. What can you do on open access land.
  4. Your responsibilities.

Covid-19 Advice for Walks

Before a walk

Walk leaders must recce the route taking into account social distancing, difficult terrain, narrow paths and the need to support injured whilst maintaining social distancing. .

Numbers on a walk

Legally there are no restrictions on numbers attending a walk, however, leaders may wish to restrict numbers to comply with H&S requirements. Please check before a walk to ensure that there is no limit on numbers, if restricted, it is advised that you book a place beforehand.

Please do not attend any walk if you or any connected persons have been diagnosed with or show any Covid-19 symptons or are awaiting test results

All walkers should consider carrying hand sanitiser, face covering, gloves, hand wipes and a first aid kit. Use hand sanitiser if you have to touch communal surfaces, e.g. gates & stiles

Travel by public transport inc trains is now unrestricted in England and Wales, however, in Wales you must continue to wear a mask unless you are exempt and in England it is advised.