Important Information

Our walks can involve crossing rough terrain with steep slopes and in inclement weather. All participants on these guided walks are asked to be aware of this and accept the following conditions:

  1. Walkers safety is their own responsibility
  2. No liability can be accepted by Railrambles Cymru
  3. Participants are NOT covered by the above body for Personal Injury or Accident whilst on these walks
  4. Walk leaders will be entitled to refuse participation on a walk if the leader judges that the person concerned is not fit or adequately clothed or equipped, or on health grounds, for the walk and prevailing conditions.
  5. Walk leaders reserve the right to vary or cancel the walk without notice if weather conditions or train operation so dictate. Wherever possible an update will be placed on the website which participants should check before they commence their journey.
  6. Dogs are permitted, however, you must contact the walk leader to confirm details of the suitability of the walk.
  7. The walk leaders decision shall be final.
  • Please bring adequate food and drink; waterproofs and spare dry clothing; walking boots or strong shoes for short summer walks.
  • Walkers are requested to remain with the party and to accept the pace set by the leader which will take into account the distance, terrain, weather and time available.
  • Return times are given in good faith but cannot be guaranteed.
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